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Colonization Update

Letter from Will Yoder - 15 Jan 2025

Dear Alumni of Beta-Upsilon,

We hope you all had a wonderful holiday season with your family and friends! As the new semester begins and the spring rush commences, our brothers have been working diligently towards our goal of achieving chapter status by our charter date.

We proudly announce that our colony had 22 brothers earning a spot on the Dean's List and achieved the second-highest GPA among all fraternities on NC State campus. Our brothers demonstrated dedication in and out of the classroom, supporting one another in their studies and academic endeavors when needed.

During our holiday break, we made significant progress in the colony roadmap, with our colony volunteering over 750 hours of service to their local communities. Within the first week back at school, our colony has completed the Ritual Program and Event Monitor Training Workshop. With these workshops completed, we are on track to finish the colony road map by February 1st! If you are in the Raleigh area and know of any volunteer opportunities our brothers could participate in, we would love to hear about them!

With a new wave of students attending the university, we have been working hard to recruit potential new members to our brotherhood. Our interest group consists of 35 PNMs (Potential New Members) who have attended multiple of our rush events. These events included a watch party for NFL wild-card games at a local Raleigh Restaurant, Carolina Ale House, and a tailgate for the NC State vs UNC basketball game. We have planned other events for our current brothers to meet these PNMs and get a gauge on whether they are a fit for our esteemed brotherhood. We plan to vote on bids for our PNMs this coming Sunday.

Our Executive Council is finishing up details for two events that will please our Alumni. On February 11th, from 2 pm to 6 pm, we will be hosting a three-versus-three basketball tournament at the Carmichael gym, with all the proceeds going to the Military Heroes campaign. Brothers and fellow NC State students can create their teams and compete to win a championship prize, which is still being decided on. We view this as both a service and volunteer event and a brotherhood event, as it will allow our brothers and new pledges to get to know each other more throughout the tournament games. We are planning an Alumni event for the spring game; we will communicate further details as they become available.

After sending out our previous newsletter, we received numerous inquiries about how to donate to the colony. We are thrilled to see such strong support from our alumni community and your continued love for our colony. A link has been attached below to where you can donate straight to our colony.

Kappa Sigma Donation Link

We appreciate your ongoing support and will keep you updated on our progress as the school year continues!

Best regards,

Will Yoder

Kappa Sigma Beta-Upsilon Chapter